Sheetal Pandey Testimonial Drawing
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Please, let me introduce you to Sheetal Pandey. She is a woman from India I meet in 2020 a few weeks before she was travelling to Madrid to start the International MBA. I asked her to start the series of testimonials because one of my biggest challenges is explain what I do and how I work and thought asking my former clients was an easiest way to explain it.


This series will be guided with 4 questions that will answer, maybe, 4 questions I think I would have when considering working with someone:


  • How can I find you?
  • How can I use you?
  • Will I achieve my goals?
  • How is working with you?
  • How did you find Mar?

  • I found Mar via a mentoring platform hosted by my post grad university as part of connecting students to industry over achievers.


When I talked to Sheetal, she was preparing for her journey to Spain. I found out she was leaving her family in India and this was the first thing we started to work. How to leave their family, specially their children, in India and be able to give the best of her in the program. She was asking for a mentor with consultancy experience but we reach to that part of the journey 9 months later…


  • What was the project?

  • I started off pretty vague, when I reached out to her my intention was to build a contact in Spanish market who could guide me on landing a potential opportunity after completing my MBA. But after the first, the goal post shifted on Mar’s suggestion. She helped my answer the 5 why’s and introspect better on what is that I actually want. In the process very difficult and intriguing questions were answered, I learnt to respect the things that are mine”.


In Sheetal Pandey’s process, she was devoted to the Master and we used all the situations in that context to identify the moments that were a challenge for her and started to find new ways to, for example, set limits, say no and create new realities with others starting with her preferences.


In her new role now she now she can count on that skills with the power all this means.


When you start with yourself in any given situation there will always be several gains, starting with the learning and development of yourself that will enable you to bring this stretching to your life. There is no separation between personal and professional life, you are always the same in every scenario. There is no good or bad, there is your experience of the scene that determines your actions. Is a wise decision to star understanding this personal level if you want to change anything in your life.


  • Did you achieve your goals?

  • Yes!! And how! Since changing the career course primary for me, I could do that successfully. I also achieved the shifted goal, which was having a clear view of me as an individual. I can fill the space with anecdotes, but without digressing further I feel Mar is the right person to connect with when one needs some anchoring in thoughts to make tough decisions of life.


One client asked me once

Mar, has to be so hard…?

He was in the middle of the eye of the storm struggling with his sensations, feeling and thoughts. They were now real because they were part of our conversations and that is uncomfortable.

When the process finished I asked him

Would you change anything to make it easier and with no uncomfortable moments? His answer was so direct NO, not a thing.


Working with me is not easy, probably would be the statement of all the personas that have worked wit me. And this is a great KPI because it means they did the inside journey and I was able to hold the space for that. So, please, be sure that if you want to make that journey I will be holding the space for you and will be always by your side.


  • How is working with Mar?

  • It is not easy, there are so many times she’ll make you uncomfortable questions and exercise, and then she’ll leave you with that thought to linger. But all those exercise helped me declutter my thoughts and orient my actions towards my goal.


The magic ingredient is I know you know. I know you can. I know you are about to make the change by the simple fact that you asked me to work for you. With you.

There are no more secrets ingredients!!



After the conquer of yourself, you are now ready to conquer anything. And most of my clients tells me that now they asked themselves “What would Mar says / asks now?”. It’s not my voice, is yours that is now awake and talks loud and clear.


By the end of the process I discover Sheetal draws. I asked her to make a drawing for me and she gave me one of the most beautiful gifts I have been given in my life. Is the drawing you saw in the carrousel. Is her view of me and the word Anna that means “teacher” in Hindi.


I am very connected with the role of teacher but form a very specific perspective a read long ago in the book “course of miracles”. For them “the role of teaching and learning is actually reversed in the thinking of the world. The reversal is characteristic. It seems as if the teacher and the learner are separated, the teacher giving something to the learner rather than to himself. Further, the act of teaching is regarded as a special activity, in which one engages only a relatively small proportion of one’s time. The course, on the other hand, emphasizes that to teach is to learn, so that teacher and learner are the same. It also emphasizes that teaching is a constant process; it goes on every moment of the day, and continues into sleeping thoughts as well”.


If I connect this with the art of hosting principle that the people summoned are the ones that should be, we are in the right place and the right moment to learn together.


Thanks for showing up Sheetal Pandey.

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