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One of the challenges I face to introduce my work is that services doesn’t correspond to a traditional consultancy or coaching practice. The focus is on the person and the challenges is facing daily. The tools are only instruments, the problem only the synthon, the result only the KPI of the learning within the evolution process.


In a very simplistic way, Gandhi quote summarize the idea. Be change you want to see in the world. I work with the BE part most of the time. This is the service. 


And the service, then, became real service. I am at the service of your being, of your personal process of being. Yesterday a client overcome a great challenge for him. After weeks working on the challenge, he made the final presentation and called be to share his happiness and satisfaction as he did a great job and had fun in the presentation. He called me fairy godmother and magician. There is no magic in open our full potential and work from there. Is a matter of self-awareness. This is the biggest service. Facilitate the access to self-awareness and the learnings within. There is no bigger super power for human beings. 


In this journey, the self stage is the basis of everything. Knowing myself is the door to access all the great treasure we are seeking in our modern world: motivation, purpose, results, leadership… Start with you, with your why as Sinek tough us years ago, because there is everything you need.


Self-knowledge includes the map or all my unknown forces in my unique and personal iceberg. Do you remember the space where unconscious streams take place? True leadership start with connecting and acknowledge these streams. 


Are you ready to surf your inner waves? Call me, I have a surfing academy for brave surfers. After a few months in your inner ocean, outer ocean becomes more like a peaceful lake. Trust me.

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