Get to know me

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Every step I made in my life was meant to bring me exactly where I am today. Building the presence and humility needed to be able to show up and introduce myself. To get to know me, please continue reading.


My beginnings were in consultancy. The very first consultancy company at that time that, suddenly, disappear and lead me with the first challenge. The biggest. The one that I am still trying to overhead. Finding my place in the world. When you think you work in the best place is not easy to find an alternative.


But I did. Now I realize. Without knowing. Just searching. Just exploring. Just being fully in the process. And this is my place. Is not a company. Is not a project. Is a way of being and working. In the adventure of searching and learning. Integrating and looking for new perspective. From different angles. Always starting with the self. With the person. In the relationship. In the growing that comes from understanding and connecting.


It does not matter if we are talking about a professional issue or a personal issue. Because we are always talking about the same thing. YOU. And your challenges and learnings.


At the end we will have the name of the issue, the figures that measure the issue, stakeholders map involved in the issue… anything that will help you understand and identify your best path to approach the issue. Even if it is not what we could define as “problem”.


My journey has been the way to learn the tools needed to accompany you in, almost, any challenge you may face.


If you are ready to face it, I am ready to accompany you.


To get to know me and my services better, follow this link to My services page.

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